The Story Behind Freddo

There was a experiment that happened in an American part of America.
It was in a Laboratory.
They were doing experiments on frogs.
Trying to turn them into people.
I broke into the Laboratory.
I saw a frog I just couldn't ignore.
It was so cute.
I picked it up and licked it.
I went home.
I went to bed.
I woke up.
I went to look in the mirror.
I saw my eyes getting bigger and going black.
This was normal.
I'm Asian.
I went into the store.
The guy behind the counter looked at me and gasped.
He pickled up a huge mirror and I saw my whole body.
My skin was going green,
My mouth was getting bigger.
I was getting smaller.
My shirt was going yellow.
It had Freddo on the front.
I attacked the guy behind the counter.
I killed him.
I saw a lighter on the counter.
I pickled it up.
I lit the store on fire.
I left my slogan on the floor on the front of the store.
It said.
"Buy it for 25p."
Spread this story
Or I will buy you for 25p...
The story is 101% true.